
Building my custom Oak Hangboard

For those who share a passion for climbing, a personalized hangboard is more than a training tool; I took on the challenge of creating a custom hangboard from the ground up, and here’s how I turned oak wood leftovers into my dream hangboard and also a present for a friend.

Choosing the Right Wood and Finger Pocket Layout

The journey began with selecting the perfect wood. I sourced oak hardwood leftovers from a nearby sawmill, known for its strength and durability—essential qualities for a hangboard even when undergoing high intensity training sessions.

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My personal board should be clean and symmetrical. The hangboard featured jug on either side, two slopers angled at 32.5° and 22.5°, slots for a 4-finger hold, a 3-finger hold, and a 2-finger pocket, plus a 20mm deep bar spanning its length, ideal for endurance workouts.

Routing, Routing, Routing!

The slot milling process was intricate, necessitating the use of a router with an extra-long bit. The precision of the router allowed for the creation of clean, even slots, tailor-made for each hold.

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Crafting the slopers was a challenge due to the board’s jugs preventing a straight cut on the table saw. To overcome this, I fashioned a special rig that enabled me to mill the slopers at the exact angles required, achieving the perfect grip.

The Finishing Touch

After the meticulous construction phase, the board underwent a thorough sanding process, smoothing out all surfaces for a comfortable grip. The final touch was oiling, which not only protected the wood but also highlighted the oak’s natural, alluring patterns. ./images/Final.jpeg

In total I build 2 identical boards, one for my friend and one for myselfe.

The custom creation of these hangboards didn’t just open the door to tailored training options specifically to our needs; it also proved to be a cost-effective alternative to off-the-shelf products. Remarkably, each board cost just 20€, excluding tools and small consumables.

I hope this projects motivated more people to just build stuff themselves.